Friday, October 19, 2007

Prozac Nation

I just watched Prozac Nation starring Christina Ricci, based on the autobiographical book by Elizabeth Wurtzel. I thought it was a great movie and an unflinching portrayal of clinical depression. In a holistic and honest way, it shows the context of the problem (family conflict, change, drug use), the effects (emotional instability, inability to work) and the process of recovery.

Some lines in particular really struck me as accurately articulating what it feels like to be going through depression:

That's how depression hits. You wake up one morning afraid that you're going to live.

How exhausted I am, even in my dreams. How I wake up tired. How I'm being drowned by some kind of black wave.

What I want is for someone to understand, but they don't really. And that makes the platitudes harder to bear.

Jesus. Listen to me. All I say is the dark side of everything. Poor Ruby. I kill her joy. Look at her sad, discouraged face.

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